Credit Ratings

Credit Ratings are not recommendations to purchase, sell or hold a financial position in as much as they do not comment on market price of suitability for a particular investor.  Ratings are subject to revision or withdrawl at any time by a rating agency.


Equitable Bank
Rating DBRS Fitch
Long-Term Issuer Rating BBB (high) BBB-
Short-Term Issuer Rating R-1 (low) -
Short-Term Instruments R-1 (low) -
Long-Term Deposits BBB (high) -
Long-Term Senior Debt BBB (high) BBB-
Subordinated Debt BBB -
Rating Outlook Stable Stable
EQB Inc.
Rating DBRS Fitch
Long-Term Issuer Rating BBB -
Long-Term Senior Debt BBB -
Security Specific
Rating DBRS Fitch
Covered Bonds AA AA+
Limited Recourse
Capital Notes
BB -
Rating Outlook Stable Stable
Concentra Bank
Rating DBRS Fitch
Long-Term Issuer Rating BBB (high) -
Long-Term Senior Debt BBB (high) -
Long-Term Deposits BBB (high) -
Rating Outlook Stable -
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